Flying Schedule

The first major pre-flight task is understanding the weather information, to “see” if the conditions are suitable by collecting information about current and forecast conditions along the route that you intend to take and then using the information to develop a good mental picture of the situation that one can expect to encounter during the flight. Because of this and other factors. Some flights may change or be cancelled at short notice.

The 2024 calendar is in place, however some flights are provisionally planned. Please check back closer to the time for final details. Subject to alteration due to weather or planning, such as ATC Slots or events/work.

Last Updated 24-JUL-24

Flying for 2024 –

Please note some trips may have additional technical stops and will only appear closer to the planned flight(s). The flight will only show on FlightRadar24 when ADSB is active. Flight times are EOBT (Estimated off-block time) in UTC and are subject to ATC restriction, and or weather. I will update this page regularly, as you may wish to track my progress live.

July 2024 –

IR Revalidation + SEP – 26-JUL-24 @TBC

August 2024 –

Stapleford to TBC (IFR) – 2-AUG-24 @TBC

TBC to Stapleford – (IFR) – 4-AUG-24 @TBC

September 2024 –

Stapleford to Basel (IFR) – 6-AUG-24 @TBC

Basel to Stapleford – (IFR) – 8-AUG-24 @TBC

Stapleford to Montpellier (IFR) – 21-SEP-24 @0600z

Montpellier to Ibiza (IFR) – 21-SEP-24 @1330z

Ibiza to Montpellier (IFR) – 30-SEP-24 @0720z

Montpellier to Stapleford – (IFR) – 30-SEP-24 @1300z

October 2024 –

Stapleford to TBC (IFR) – TBC-OCT-24 @TBC

TBC to Stapleford (IFR) – TBC-OCT-24 @TBC

November 2024 – April 2025 –

Extended Winter Break planned, currency only.

Release Schedule –

If you tracked the live flight, check out my release schedule for the VLOG.

Support the YouTube Channel –

Welcome to The FLYING VLOG…

I am a current PPL(A), SEP (LAND), IR(A) SE/SP PBN, IR(R) & Night holder. Flying the world, exploring its hidden treasures. Taking pictures and vlogging the journey; I hope I can provide you with an oversight of my progression as I develop my skillset and airmanship in exclusive videos on my YouTube channel.

Now flying IFR in the Airways of Europe & beyond. Bringing you an exclusive niche to YouTube, flying in the same skies with commercial airliners.

“What a view aye? – This is what I did all this training for…”