IFR Flying
A current IR holder, with flights operated solely by reference to instruments under Instrument Flight Rules.
European Airways
Flying IFR across Europe & beyond; sharing a real niche on YouTube in the European Airways system.
Flying Adventures
Flying the world (General Aviation style), exploring its best-hidden gems, and educating along the way.
All in 4K Video
Inspiring future aviators with high-quality, stunning detailed 4K UHD video.
The Flying VLOG
The latest write-ups from The Flying VLOG, taking you beyond the camera lens and even deeper than before into the mind of a general aviator.

Simple trip becomes complicated
Erlangen, Germany
For the last few years, I have visited the Erlangen Beer Festival, the first year with a stop in Prague then the previous year with a stop in Kosice before heading to Nuremberg.
The original plan, if the weather was mostly benign would be to fly via Cologne or Luxembourg and then onto Nuremberg. Unfortunately, both options that week became challenging and with weight and balance issues, I could not carry additional reserves that I felt comfortable with.
Weekend in LUX
Luxembourg, Europe
It’s long been an idea to fly to Luxembourg once I had got my Instrument Rating, however, due to COVID and other changes of plans the trip never took place. We finally set a plan to fly in March however, for safety reasons, the weather on arrival in Luxembourg was unsuitable for our aircraft, so I had to cancel and re-arrange.
As Luxembourg has been on my list for a while, this was a challenge I wanted to complete and finally get the destination in my logbook on my conquest to explore most of Europe. I’ve visited Luxembourg before but this was for a very short day trip almost 12 years ago.